Sidefarma holds a training event in Madeira on the subject of Summer ilnesses

31 May 2023

Sidefarma holds a training event in Madeira on the subject of Summer ilnesses

Sidefarma held, on May 16th, a training event for healthcare professionals from pharmacies on the island of Madeira, under the theme “The Role of Pharmacy in Summer Diseases”, at The Four Views Baía hotel.

The event brought together more than 16 pharmacies and focused on addressing the main diseases associated with the arrival of Summer, such as mosquito bites, skin allergies to heat or solar erythema and the therapies available to treat the symptoms resulting from them.

At a time when Summer is approaching and high temperatures start to occur, it is advised to ensure a special atention and care to our skin. In this sense, whether through the adoption of preventive measures against mosquito bites or recommendations regarding sun exposure, the main goal of this training was to help the healthcare professionals, who attended it, to play an active role in advising on good health practices during the Summer season and recommending the most effective treatments for these diseases.

Of extreme importance to Sidefarma was also the in loco contact with Madeira healthcare professionals, in order to deepen and strengthen the already existing good relationship.