Supplier’s Evaluation Parameters

The evaluation of the supplies is made for each material, product or service with respect to the applicable parameters, with the respective score being assigned, according to:

a) Quantity


  • Check if the quantity received corresponds to the quantity ordered (Purchase Order).


Correct: 0 points

Incorrect: 1 point

Correct: + 10% for packaging material

b) Delivery time/Execution


  • Verify the fulfillment of deadlines regarding the order (Purchase Order).


Correct: 0 points

More than 1 week: 1 point

More than 2 weeks: 3 points

c) Packaging


i) Pallet/Grouping box

  • Identification:

– Name of the product/material;

– Presentation;

– Batch;

  • Pallet/grouping box integrity;
  • General appearance of hygiene.

ii) Carton (only applied to finished product)

  • Identification:

– Name of the product;

– Presentation;

– Batch;

  • Readable integrity;
  • Carton integrity;
  • General appearance of hygiene;
  • Material version if the carton is not sealed;
  • Price, if printed.

iii) Leaflet, label or blister (only applied to finished product)

  • Version of the PIL, label or blister if carton is not sealed.


Correct: 0 points

Incorrect: 5 points

Incorrect: Any non-compliance with the applicable of the Verification Checklist.

d) Quality of the material/service/finished product


  • Check conformity of material/service/finished product with specifications or contract established with the supplier, taking into account the lifecycle perspective of the product.
  • Check compliance with internal rules, namely organization, cleaning, separation and waste management, etc.


Compliant: 0 points

Not compliant: 5 points

Not compliant: Any non-compliance with the applicable of the Verification Checklist.

e) Collection of the goods on the agreed date


  • Check that the transporter has collected on the agreed date.


Correct: 0 points

Incorrect: 5 points

Correct: according to the agreed date.

f) Vehicle with the appropriate conditions for transporting the material/product


  • General appearance of vehicle hygiene;
  • Incompatibility of goods with the materials/products;
  • Vehicle condition;
  • Packaging of waste in the car (only for waste collection companies).


Correta: 0 pontos / Correct: 0 points

Incorreta: 5 pontos / Incorrect: 5 points

Incorreto: Qualquer incumprimento relativamente ao aplicável da Verificação.

Incorrect: Any non-compliance with the applicable of the Verification Checklist.

g) Conduta do motorista / Driver’s conduct

Verificação / Check:

  • Recusa de carga/descarga dos materiais/produtos. / Refuse of loading/unloading of materials/products.

Avaliação / Evaluation:

Correct: 0 points

Incorrect: 1 point

Incorrect: Any non-compliance with the applicable of the Verification Checklist.

h) Delivery of the material/product on the agreed date


  • Confirm the delivery date versus agreed date.


Correct: 0 points

Incorrect: 2 points

Correct: according to the agreed date (+/- 3 working days)

i) Documentation


  • Documentation accompanying reagents/materials/equipment/product:
    • Check that the shipping guide/delivery note or invoice corresponds to the one provided;Check the agreed documentation;Check the content complies with the material/product received versus specification/contract;
    • Check supply of manuals and certificates of conformity (equipment).
  • Documentation accompanying the provision of maintenance, monitoring, cleaning, pest control and waste management services:
    • Check the existence of eGAR, duly filled and that a reception certificate was issued within the established period;Check that the destination of the waste (duly valid) and the freight license for third-party goods (where applicable);Check that the safety data sheets of the hazardous products used on SIDEFARMA’s facilities (where applicable);Check if the records of the intervention have been provided and if they are filled out. In the case of cold equipment, the records must comply with the models established in the legislation;Check if evidence of skills / qualifications of technicians has been provided (where applicable);
    • Check if that company accreditation certificates have been provided and report execution according to legislation (in the case of environmental monitoring of gaseous emissions and noise).


Correct: 0 points

Incorrect: 3 points

Incorrect: Any non-compliance with the applicability of the Verification Checklist.

The evaluation results of supplies are recorded, by the several areas responsible for the evaluation, according to the following table:

Materials, Products and ServicesApplicable parameters
Raw materials, packaging materials, semi-manufactured products, semi-finished produts, reagents, cleaning products, equipment, spare parts, lubricants, uniforms and promotional material.a), b), c) (except uniforms), d) and  i)
Finished productsa), b), c), d), f) g), h) and i)
Tranportation services (import, export and national)e), f), g) and h)
Cleaning services, calibration, training, analysis, maintenance and pest controlb), d) and i)
Waste managementb), d) , f) and i)

The delivery classification is done automatically at the end of each delivery or service, based on the sum of the score assigned to the applicable parameters:

A – Suitable supplier → 0 – 1

B – Acceptable supplier → > 1 – 3

C – Conditioned supplier → > 3

– After each delivery, the classification is updated by calculating the sum of the average of each parameter. The Suppliers Supply Evaluation Form is printed annually.

– If the supply by supplier obtains Classification B (Acceptable Supplier), a performance will be reevaluated within a maximum period of 6 months. If the revaluation results in a performance improvement, the supplier is deemed fit and the process is archived. If the reassessment determines that the supplier’s performance has remained or worsened, improvement actions will be requested from the supplier in question.

– If the supply by Supplier obtains the Classification C (Conditioned Supplier) and if the exclusivity is held or if it is a Supplier imposed by the customer, a corrective action plan will be required.